
noun | ca ma ra de rie  | \kam-ra-d{e-Jrl, kam-, ka-me-, ka-,-,a·\


A feeling of trust, a bond created by a shared goal or experience.
Warm feelings of friendship, closeness and loyalty among a group of people.

There is something about being the parent of a kid that plays team sports that forges intense relationships. It’s a bit like war, or being a server at a kick-butt restaurant, or even a good marriage. You’re in it together. The great and the terrible, in victory and defeat. You triumph or you crumble as one.

This business was born out of one of those friendships.Photo Gift Ideas Tomball

Twelve years of cheering on our kids from the bleachers, dragging water, team mom­ming and feeding boys uncountable meals creates a family. A family that becomes bound together out of loving one another’s kids and each other. From having the others backs, laughing until it hurts and sharing in each others heartaches.

But eventually kids grow up, and go away to school ( why is it you work your whole life
to create responsible adults and then when they fly away from the nest it’s so completely traumatizing!)

Just like that, the crazy -loud madwoman busy-ness comes to a screeching halt. Annnndddd …. crickets.
We knew we weren’t ready for binge watching reality TV in our pajamas with a house full of cats.

Sooo now what?

Shannon was a finance major. I’m a photographer. A math brain and a creative each not wanting a thing to do with the others gift. Basically, a match made in heaven.

We wanted to do something that would accentuate our strengths, something that we were passionate about truly and believed in. Something we LOVED!

Steel Magnolia became our “so now what”.

It started as a “what if” sort of thought, and it grew into an actual plan. So many things would have to fall into place. Things that seemed impossible or a least highly improbable at best. But with a stubborn spirit, lots of sacrifice and a bit of naive childlike faith (not to mention the unwavering love and support of our families) our plan grew into reality.

There is something empowering about jumping off of that cliff. Taking a risk, changing your perspective, reinventing yourself.

Figuring out what you want to be when you grow up!

It’s sort of like becoming a parent. It’s a wildly daunting task. You’re charting a course through unknown waters. But if it’s done with some stubbornness (we had plenty of that!) some patience (ummm, not so much)and the ability to laugh at yourself, the journey is an adventure with unforeseen joys.

We invite you to come along for the ride. We aren’t sure exactly where we will end up, but we absolutely know the trip won’t be boring…….

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